Upcoming open world adventure Biomutant has us officially hyped after we recently got to see the game in action. It's looking great, but one aspect of the release that we've always wondered about is character creation. In case you don't already know, you play as a furry, rough-looking little creature in Biomutant, and the beast is yours to customise right from the start.
Fortunately, Game Informer has uploaded an in-depth walkthrough of the character creator, which we've embedded below. There are loads of options to, er, paw through. Different mutant breeds give you different starting stat bonus, and from there, you're free to customise your attributes as well as your overall appearance. It can get crazy pretty quickly.
Continue reading here https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2021/05/get_a_good_look_at_biomutants_crazy_character_creation
Robert Ramsey (2021, May 7)